>Don't feel Snubbed. I dig yours very much Mike.
>But It's only the beginning.
>We will be on in a couple of weeks too.
>the More chances to get these artist heard the better.

Fred, Dont get me wrong on this, I don't feel snubbed at all.  Our server is
smoking already.  And I agree, the more the better.  I just think if you
want to get your music out there you don't have to sign away all your rights
and a hefty sales fee to boot just because a company wants to avoid paying
the writer's licensing fees. Take a hard look at the site and unless I see
things totally wrong it seems to me another attempt to cash in at the
artists and writers expense disguised as a site offering "exposure".   My
first impression wasn't that much different from some of the snakes I and
others have run across in Nashville and on the web who prey on wannabe's.
The "release" paperwork also seems a little vague.  I wouldn't sign anything
over to these folks without a lawyer drawing it up.  I may be wrong, and if
so, great.  I'm all for legitimate exposure.  KEYWORD-LEGITIMATE, as in
compensated fairly.
NOW ONLINE,   http://www.TwangCast.com  TM  RealCountry netcast 24 X 7
Please Visit Then let us know what you think!

Mike Hays www.MikeHays.RealCountry.net
For the best country artist web hosting, www.RealCountry.net

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