Hi! My band is called Sargent York. We're a band that's been together 
for a year or so and we've decided we'd like to have a drummer again. 
We're pretty flexible w/out one, but for some shows and some songs, we'd 
like to find somebody who loves stuff like W/town, Neil Young, 
Sparklehorse, Golden Smog, Byrds (country era), etc. We play: guitars, 
lap steel, bass, mandolin, harmonica, accordian and fiddle (there are 3 
of us: we're 24, 24 and 25) Sargent York has played around town at 
various places and in Fargo a few times. Our music gets pretty laid 
back, but it's not that way all the time.
Check out our demo review at demorama.com under the heading of January 
Reviews, and/or respond to this address or call (612) 327-5875 for a 
copy of the demo. We're not looking for a huge comittment from somebody, 
but we'd like to practice once a week and do a couple of shows a month. 
Please get back to me if you're interested. Thanks-

--Nick Johnson

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