Many of you may have guessed that I've spent a lot of time with a band
called The Gourds the last couple of years.  
Well, you were right.
And here I go again.

Anyway, about this time a year ago I started shooting them with various
video cameras, spending even more time with them.  At this time 'they'
were only three.  Jimmy, Claude, and Kev. were The Gourds.  All us
Gourds' fans know how badass those guys are.  Without any one of them
The Gourds aren't The Gourds, but I would like to talk here about Gourds
#'s 4 and 5.

Both of these guys left bands that have WAY more financial potential
than The Gourds.  Keith left The Damnations who signed a major label
deal and have been getting unending positive press in anticipation of
their debut.  And Max, well, not only did he leave Freakwater (and Wilco
before that), but he could literally have his choice of just about any
outfit in the 'genre' he wants to play with.  Both of them put lot's of
time and energy into the band before they were members, with just a hope
that they might be hired on a full time basis.

What I'm trying to say is that they've made plenty of sacrifices for The
Gourds' art.  And all of their trouble is manifested (positively) on
GHOST OF HALLELUJAH, an album that is indescribably amazing, and I
believe a WHOLE LOT of the credit should go to the two new guys.   To
both of them their choices came down to the fact that they realize that
they are playing the best music they can imagine.  Plus, they having
more fun than they ever have playing music.
I hope it stays the same in March when Wilco and The Damnations' new
records are selling like crazy, and GHOSTS is being ignored.

--Matt Cook

"The ghosts of hallelujah leave you there alone
 Counting bottles of medicine, longin' for your home
 Don't forget the hands that made you
 Don't forget your lonely days
 Soak your hearts in clover every time you feel it sway
 Let it sway..."--K. Russell

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