Not to beat a lame horse but:

Joe Gracey said:

I think it is a little bit unfair to characterize mac users as a tiny 
minority- if you want to be anecdotal about it, literally everybody I
know in the music business world-wide uses Macs and I daresay the
majority of creative people in all fields use them. It is also a fact
that a highly disproportionate number of internet users and web page
authors use Macs. I firmly feel that it is a grave error to ghettoize
us, which happens all too often.

All Right!!  I knew I loved this man!  My favorite sig file on one of the
Mac lists is something to the effect of:

"People buy Macs because they love them.  They buy pcs because they're
afraid not to."

So true. Maybe Stacey should've gathered computer preferences on her
demographic survey.

Oh well, while I can't listen to Twangcast, I am now happily enjoying the
Hotclub of Cowtown on Swingin' Doors.


Without music, life is a mistake--Friedrich Nietzsche

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