I just talked to my travel agent today, and it looks like our tour group
will be visiting the following places sometime this summer. I am unsure of
the dates or anything as this is a real cut-rate, low-budget, company. But
it should be a good time none the less. 

I'm curious about the music scene in these places. If anyone has any
contacts, or don't miss tourist suggestions, please let me know OFF LIST.

Alexandria, Egypt
Poti, Georgia or Batumi, Georgia
Cagliari, Italy
Catania, Italy or Syracuse, Italy
La Spezia, Italy
Taranto, Italy
Novorossisyk, Russia
Valencia, Spain
Golcuk, Turkey
Yalta, Ukraine

Jeff Wall           
 http://www.twangzine.com The Webs least sucky music magazine
3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

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