I've been noticing a lot of post about bootleg or pirate materials lately on
p2.  Does anyone other than the bootlegger think this is an appropriate
activity?  I sure as hell don't and it offends me as well each time it rears its
ugly head.  Theft is Theft is Theft.

Nuff said.


Thomas Wodock wrote:

> > At 09:47 PM 2/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
> > >    I have a CD copy of the new Wilco album Summerteeth. I'll make
> > >cassette copies for trade. E-mail me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> And our worldy Mr.Wall wrote
> > I really hate this.  That disc is due out in March sometime. Although I
> have no intention of buying it, listening to it, or even reading about it if
> I can possibly help it, to bottleg the sumbitch crosses even my weakly
> defined boundries of good taste and ethics.
> > Don't do it.
> Thank you Mr Wall I second your ethics.
> And I can't wait to find what you expierence musically an your tour.
> Thom Wodock

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