> Budrocket wrote:

> >>Ah damn.  Guess I'll just go back to my still-unfulfilled search for
> >>that ribbon-mic-I'll-find-someday-in-a-junkshop-for-ten-bucks of my
> >>dreams...--junior
> Best damn mic for recording banjo, period!
> Buddy
> Ribbon Rockets

All the old banja players in these parts insisted that the ElectroVoice
664 was the best mic of all for the infernal things. It was that long
silver cardiod with the mesh grill front and the sort of fin down the
back. It has a sort of thin, high-endy sound, which makes sense. It was
also a great snare mic. I have one right here in front of me.

Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

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