At 09:10 PM 2/8/99 -0500, Barry (M!) wrote:

>.it all
>comes together pretty effectively, though it would be hard to say something
>clearly their own has turned up in the process.

I'd say that's right. Where the band does suggest something of its own, I'd
say, or at least the potential of it is in their songwriting which is
always pretty good and occasionally quite good indeed.  

> So what'd that
>ol' band sound like--and is any part of that some part of this?

I'm not familiar with Big Iron but when I talked to hadacol co-frontperson
Fred Wickham in prep for an ND T&C piece, he said that the old band (the
same as the old, I THINK, except for the drummer) sounded pretty much the
same as the new one, only the new one has better songs and they play 'em
better now too. --david cantwell

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