I'm not trying to blame anyone, but yesterday I walked into a local record
store, and wound up in jail. I had approached the clerk and asked
politely, "Do you have the new record by The Damnations TX in?" and he
replied, never heard of it. Then he looked it up and said, "It's not
released yet." So I answered, "Of course it is, everybody on my music list
-- you know this computer mailing list -- has been talking about this
record, so it must be out." He said nope, it's not out yet. This went back
and forth for a spell, until I angrily grabbed the clerk by the neck, a
la Homer and Bart, and started wringing him out like a sopped washrag. To
make a long story short, the police showed up, hauled my ass to jail, and
now hear I am writing this sad story, in between mournful harmonica solos
from my cellmate, a kicker from Bakersfield by the name of Merle... --
Terry Smith

ps now let's talk about some wonderful development property I have for
sale in the Florida swamp.

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