C.K. writes:

 When I was working outside Manchester in 91 and 92 I did notice, both in
 print, on TV and in real life groups of working to middle class folks who
 got way into US country music as well a the whole cowboy and rodeo thing.
 >From what I've been reading on this list for the past few years it sounds
 like this was no passing fad.
 I always thought it was kind of an odd hobby to have in the UK - more odd
 due to the cowboy side than the music side. Very few doggies in Cheshire.
 CK >>

Back in the early 70's, when I was riding saddle broncs professionally, I was
approached by a company that offered me and several other hands I knew an
unbelievably large amount of money to go to England and work. From what I
gathered, it was being presented kinda like a Wild West show. We found out
they had *dairy cows*, and ponies (little short Morgan horses and such) for
stock, so we declined. Always have wondered how the hell they made it work.
Sounded plain goofy.

Ob. Twang: Do Joe Ely and the like still do well in U.K.?

Joe Horn
Third Coast

np: James Hand (can't get this thing outta my player)

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