"Don't accept your dog's admiration as conclusive evidence that you are
  2/16    The Double Door Inn   Americana Showcase  @ 9:30pm
              218 E. Independence Blvd, Charlotte, NC (704)376-1446 
  2/17    Dottie's  9:30pm
              307 Memorial Dr., Atlanta, Ga (404)523-3444
  2/18    Local 506 9:30pm 
              506 W. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC (919)942-5506 
  2/19    Cowboys  10pm, w/ The Billygoats
              265 Front St., Wilmington, NC (910)762-8007
              For updated info and added dates call (201)348-4841 or
  Tanks for reading this far...and please look for the debut cd "One Dog Town"
on North Hollow Records at Tower Records, on-line at Amazon.com, Miles of
Music and CDnow.com. Please ask for it at your fave non-mega indie record
store and at your local Tower or Virgin store. It is distributed by Hepcat
thru Valley & AEC. And we sure appreciate you calling your listener-supported
radio station and requestin' a song from "One Dog Town". Now sit.....lie
down.....roll over......speak!
  NORTH HOLLOW RECORDS   *  Box 47 North Hollow Rd.  *  Rochester,VT 05767   *
(802)767-4255 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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