Wow... two posts from me in one week.

Anyway, I wanted to step in here.  While I agree this is probably a poorly
written review, with pretty unreasonable expectations, there are still
positive marks given to the CD, and it's not that all bad, nor very
backhanded, nor completely dismissive and what *is* said of the music is
not altogether inaccurate, IMO.  Check it again.  It's not exactly
glowing, but it's hardly discredits the CD as a whole.

That being said, you roll the dice when you put out your music, and not
everyone is going to impressed, obviously, and now and then, someone will
have the misfortune of losing out.  Unfortunately, it happened to a bunch
of really nice guys who many people here consider their friends, and more
unfortunately, ND reviewers aren't critical enough as many CD's that are a
lot worse have received better marks (see review immediately following
1R1R)... it's really hard to put everything on an even playing field.
Plus, I'd rather have a review like this then getting praise through some
sort of unthoughtful rant that doesn't say jack about the music.  I'll
take constructive criticism over that anyday.

So I guess - in short - what I'm trying to say is... Quit Whining! <g>
and I think ND should incorporate 5-star scale or something. 

Chad Smilin', though I think Jim might be smilin' just a teeny bit

np Trio II

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