
Jon W. <<Now, if someone would only reissue Hank's great Nat King Cole and
Mills Brothers tribute albums on CD...

Bob: <<I may be assuming more than you really want assumed, Jon, but if you
like the Mills Bros. (as opposed to HT's covers), you might want to wander
by Blues Before Sunrise, usually carried midnight-5 AM Sat. night on public
radio. One of its biggest flaws is the DJ's insistence on playing every song
the Mills Bros. ever recorded, in chronological order by session. He often
keeps it to two or three songs, but sometimes it's much longer than that.
(And seems yet longer.)>>

First of all, I'd be interested in learning more about the album Jon
mentioned. That sounds interesting to me. What was the name of that album,

Second of all, count me down as a fan of Blues Before Sunrise (I used to be
able to listen to it on Johnson City's WETS if my stereo antenna was
pointing in the right direction). I enjoy the show for a variety of reasons,
including the very example Bob uses to cite the show as "flawed." I am after
all, merely a product of my raising-- my father was a Nat King Cole and
Jackie Wilson fan, my mom adored the Mills Brothers and the Ink Spots.

I feel pretty happy knowing that in college I was able to turn one of my
friends on to the Mills Brothers. He, in exchange, introduced me to Lone
Justice. Fair trade in its own little way.

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

NP: Duke Daniels, Help Is on the Way
NPIMH: "I'd rather have a paper doll to call my own..."

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