
Sir Yates asked and has patiently waited for an answer: <<So, Shane -- do
you know if these guys are actually gonna put out an album anytime soon?
Five Bucks (formerly known as Shinola) were one of the two bands I knew
nothing about that blew me away when I saw 'em at SXSW last March (the other
was the Hot Club of Cowtown).>>

Well, I wish I knew. Here in the hinterlands of Knoxville, Nashville news is
slow to arrive. (Damn, isolation. <g>)

I have a copy of a Shinola demo-type CD called "What Else Could It Be," and
was assuming that it was simply a matter of changing the name of the band
and releasing the thing. That doesn't seem likely right now. They did
generate a buzz at SXSW and some other places and the Knoxville music
columnists usually fill us in on what they're up to. Most of the news of
late has been like the previously posted clip, though, which details work
the members have been doing on everybody else's projects. Richie being a
no-show in favor of a gig with Cousin Dolly seemed like a strange thing (I'm
basing that more on what wasn't said in the article and the way the comment
was phrased. Maybe I'm reading too much into that, I hope so.)

Their supposed big break was going to come from their participation on
Dolly's "Hungry Again," but that hasn't seemed to have moved things along
very quickly at all.

For what it's worth, by the way, I don't know if it's only my copy of "What
Else Could It Be?" or is a universal problem, but the sound quality is crap.
It's a shame, too, cause based on what I am hearing, I'd love to be able to
play it on the air.

I doubt that was the least bit helpful, but I hope it was in some way.

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

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