My brother was a big Jacksons fan while I was into Willie Nelson. IMHO,
Thriller sucked. Billy Jean Sucked. Ever since Michael and Latoya cut Tito
up to use for parts in their never ending search for cosmetic renewal, the
Jacksons have sucked. Tito was the only thing that held the Jackson 5

One thing that Michael did was singlehandedly destroy Black Music. He
reached in and ripped the soul right out. In fact, to listen to the radio
today, you would think that the Funk has done boarded the Mothership and
took off for parts unknown.

But worry not lil chilluns. They still got the funk down in Lafayette and
everywhere else south of I-10. Buckwheat got the Funk, C.J. got the Funk,
and the Dirty Dozen Brass Band got that double line funk. But Funk north of
I-10 is now illegal.

It's all Michaels fault.

Ever noticed that a fifth of Nyquil will flat fuck your ass up?

Jeff Wall    The Webs least sucky music magazine
3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

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