I just took on a part time job today as music assignment editor of Memphis
Dateline. This is an alternative newsweekly that runs 54 tabloid size pages
every 2 weeks, about 8 pages or more on music, local and national. Until now,
they have had ZERO TWANG, and I plan to change that. They plan to go weekly
beginning in April.

There are plenty of writers doing record reviews, but the publication is in
desparate need for decent feature writers. Are any of ya'll interested. Do any
of you have music stories that are from your regional mags that would be
appropriate to reprint in Memphis? Any good interviews on bands that are
coming through Memphis? You got something good that some other asshole passed

The publication does pay, although it is unlikely you will be able to retire
in Hawaii or anything like that....

If your are interested, please e-mail me back. 

P.S. George Jones is coming to Tunica in a few weeks if any of you writers
have anything recent on him, I am very interested.........

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