On 11 Jan 99 at 22:39, Mike Hays wrote:

Date:          Mon, 11 Jan 1999 22:39:06 -0500
Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:          "Mike Hays" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:            "passenger side" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:       Re: Big Thoughts and Grammy's
X-To:          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lets get going on this webpage and with the right focus
do something positive to promote the artists that are struggling
to be heard.

www.lastunicorn.com  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> Maybe we could start such a Twang Association?
All it takes is a little organization. Seems like the P2 website
>might be a good place to start.  Let's get busy on this.
Count me in.  The Gavin folks might be interested in this.  They've been the
only trade rag to get behind the music and of course you got No Dep.  Come
to think of it, with the right promotion,  you'll turn this into the latest
thing and some a**hole corporate types will come in and Wall will have to
let loose a stream of twang venom so fierce that they'll never again even
think about pissing on a twang artist again.
Mike Hays
np: Hank Williams Move it on Over on TwangCast

NOW ONLINE,   www.TwangCast.com  TM  RealCountry netcast 24 X 7
Please Visit Then let us know what you think!

Mike Hays www.MikeHays.RealCountry.net
For the best country artist web hosting, www.RealCountry.net

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