
Okay, so it's probably a shorter list that what folks in Nashville or Austin
could come up with. I don't bump into musical celebrities on a regular basis
or get to be a fly on the wall at recording sessions. But I like it here,
fine. Mainly because of nights like last night.

I left work late at the museum and was walking down the street to the art
museum to see a buddy of mine, when my ears zoned in on a familiar but
unexpected sound. Bagpipes!

Coming down Walnut Street at 6:30 PM, was a parade of bagpipers in full
Scottish costume, leading a parade of people dressed in everything from
formal wear to casual clothing. I had to see this and ran down the street to
catch up to the parade. These unlikely pied pipers were leading the group to
the nearby Hilton Hotel where I discovered a banquet was being held in honor
of the retiring Episcopal bishop.

After the parade disappeared, I continued my journey to the art museum where
I enjoyed an evening of reggae-jazz from "Mustafa and the Mystic
Meditations." The band was joined at one point by a group of students from
one of the inner-city high schools. The boys had been organized into a
traditional African drumming ensemble by a volunteer musician here in town.

After that show, my friend (the pr director from the art museum) and I
ventured over to the Old City to catch some folk music at Birds Eye View.
Local musician Karen Reynolds opened and was followed by Chuck Brodsky.

And on the drive home, my radio was tuned to WDVX and the sounds of Ralph

I am sure other cities can claim more impressive events, but I always get a
kick out the things I find in my own hometown. Especially when the locals
always try to convince themselves that "nothing ever happens here." I saw a
bag pipe parade, African drummers in the art museum, and a folk singer with
a pretty cool repertoire of baseball songs.

I'm sure Austin and Nashville have their own fun events, too. I've been told
that you can sometimes see unusual things in New York City, too. <g>

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

NP: Hillbilly Idol, Town and Country

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