I found the juxtaposition of these two posts in the ol' inbox kind of funny:

Bob, at the Opry:

>- I admit I left the show with much more respect for those old stars
>than I had at the beginning, but I still have to ask: what's with the
>hair?  The guys still with their real hair have those almost pompadour
>'dos and the guys without hair look pretty silly in those obvious
>hairpieces, obvious even from 30 rows back.

Terry, at the Tube:

>And, this may mark me as an irredeemable old fogey, but what's the
>deal with the hair? Is this an alt/rock thing, you gotta have a bunch of
>greasy hair hanging down in front of your face. Both Ryan Adams and Rhett
>Miller don't own faces, as far as I could tell from the show. Isn't that
>annoying to have hair hanging in your face while you're trying to look at
>your guitar? Anyway, it seems f**ing stupid and masochistically
>pretentious, but what do I know?

Fashion is spinach,
--Cheryl Cline

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