Good morning from England,
I'm looking for some help/info to publicise a tour of a couple of very fine
kicking musicians from my tiny diamond Wight island. JC and Angelina
Grimshaw are off to Germany on February 18th for a few weeks. They write and
play a mixture of stuff from blues to country, Hawiaiin to Mexican etc. etc.
and thrash skiffle. Any suggestions where I can post information to
publicise the tour and their Cd will be appreciated.


Mike P.

ps on the subject of SXSW, if you have to hang out with the merchanting men
you have to.  But while they are in town you will find a pack of very fine
musicians playing all kinds of tiny bars to small, appreciative audiences.
These include artists like Toni Price, Rich Brotherton, Scrappy Jud Newcomb
and if Alejandro's still closing the show down there it would be worth the
trip for him alone. And it won't cost you a buck for a 'charm' bracelet

and in the same mould JC and Angelina Grimshaw's website is at:

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