Will Miner notes:
>Germans dont only swarm to the Four Corners region.  A few years ago I
>was in Bodie, CA, probably the best preserved ghost town in California,
>owing in large part to its rather remote location (8500 feet elevation,
>formerly down 13 miles of hellish washboard road) and its protection by
>the state parks department.  Anyway, a ranger there told us that besides
>Californians, more Germans visit the town than people from the other 49
>states combined.

True, true! Germans must be the best-traveled people in the universe,
because every time I'm somewhere away from home, the place is clogged with
German tourists. When I was doing my graduate research in Costa Rica, the
beach was printed from one end to the other with the telltale tracks of
Birkenstocks. And last week, when I was at a conference in Fort Myers, Fla.,
the hotel was mobbed with Germans.

I suspect they get a lot more vacation time than we do. <g>

By the way, maybe some musical content might be nice. Lessee, the
Blockheaters lost a drummer yesterday and gained a new one today. (We're
getting good at this. <g>)

--Jamie S.

np: Paul Burch, "Your Red Wagon"


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