Christopher M Knaus wrote:

> Hey there,
> According to some DJ on Q101 (Chicagos Rock Alternative) The next Trent
> Reznor CD is going to be all Hank Williams covers. The DJ wasnt as
> excited as I was. If I was not in my car I might've called him up and
> given him what's fur.

Didn' No, but didn't .... God I can't remember. Didn't Trent Reznor
do a production for a David Lynch film with all kinds of country stuff on
it. 'Lost Highway' That was the name of it! With like Patsy Clne on it.
Didn't Trent Reznor do that?  Am I totally lost, but isn't Trent Reznor one
of these wierd guys that *likes* country music. Or am I confusing him with
David Lynch. Or am I just confused...


If you like rocking country music, check out the Okeh Wranglers web site

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