>Just curious--who here (who is NOT a critic) has heard the most of these?


I've heard most of them (if more than 25 counts as most), and I have to say
I'm troubled by the "well-roundedness" of the list. On one hand, it's gotta
be a thankless and (somewhat) admirable task to try and sum up an entire
decade in 50 gulps, but it seems as if he's trying to touch all the
appropriate bases and not offend anybody. Which, of course, ends up
offending everybody. And it's not that it isn't eclectic, but in quite a few
cases, the guy picks the wrong album from whatever artist he's trying to
highlight. (PJ Harvey "To Bring You My Love" and Beck "Odelay" come
immediately to mind). Plus, let's face it: If you have 50 goddamn chances to
pick Anodyne and you come up with the goose-egg--get to the back of the bus,
ya chump!!

Lance . . .

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