A quick comment and a quick question:

In her invaluable Chicago calendar, Linda Ray notes:

Special days clipped from Heather's Li'l Country calendar, available for
$12 from the Record Roundup, 2034 W. Montrose.
And I'm happy to report that since a month and half of 1999 has slipped
away on us already, the calendar is now an even bigger bargain at the
new, improved  price of $10.  Without it, how would you know that the
Big E and Priscilla d-i-v-o-r-c-e-d on this date in 1972?  My little girl picked
up a cool pair of finger cymbals there, too.  And while I couldn't justify
paying the dough for any of those fine looking slabs of old country vinyl,
it was fun to dream.

Ameritwang Paul wrote:

Wild Carnation is the latest project from ex-Feelies bassist, Brenda
Do you know if they're still going, Paul?  I haven't seen or heard anything
from them since "tricycle," which came out on Delmore in 94 or 95.  A
real nice record, with a little hint of that wiggly Feelies vibe mixed in with
some moody (and some pretty), indie-poppish songs.  Graded up even
more for having a song about baseball on it.


np: "Sad and Dangerous" - Dirty Three (fits my mood at work today just

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