<< *I* could say that the 90s have been a great decade for
 music because of the records by Uncle Tupelo, Snuff, Gillian Welch,
 Varnaline, Jerry Holland, >>

What an interesting list of examples. Might I ask, Steve, since you have
included Snuff and Jerry Holland among UT, Varnaline, And GW, that you tell me
who the hell they are? I wanna know more. 

And while I've been biting my tongue during this latest raking over the coals
of yet another *rock* critic's printed opinions (the chastising of which,
admittedly, has been very mild compared to other such instances), can I
inquire about something that puzzles me from time to time? How come we (the
collective P2 mindset, that is, and maybe most serious music fans in general)
are quick to slay these writers for their professional opinions every time we
see them but then, at year end, for example, we jump at the chance to play
critic and divulge our own top tens (the pinnacle of music journalism cliches)
and all that kind mumbo jumbo. Huh? What do you make of that, eh Bub? WANNA

Professionally and defensively yours,

Neal Weiss
np - Bill Lloyd

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