> << I think she quit doing it about 1970, around the same time George
>  Jones did - in fact, now that I think about it, around the same time a lot
>  of folks did, probably as a minor concession, if a concession at all, to a
>  less hillbilly appearance.  I'll bet no one had to argue with Loretta,
>  George or most of the others very much.
>   >>
> Which reminds me (forgive me if I've shared this observation on P2 before...
> don't think I have), when I saw George Jones in LA last fall, he was strumming
> an acoustic guitar through much of the show that was without a doubt NOT
> plugged in at all. Never once heard a note eminate from it the whole night.
> But I guess if it makes him happy to ahve it there to strum, even if it was
> only sometimes during a song, so be it.
> Neal Weiss

But, see, I disagree. That guitar can be heard through his mic and even
in the hall, live, more than you think it can. It contributes.
Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

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