At 02:15 AM 2/26/1999 John wrote:
>Excerpts from internet.listserv.postcard2: 23-Feb-99 Re: 50/90 by
>Christopher M Knaus@juno 
>> >And honestly, I'm sorta surprised people rate Exile in the top ten of 
>> >the decade.  The year it came out, possibly, but the entire decade??
>> >
>> Name a more impressive better written female rock album of the 90s that
>> actually got a teensy bit of airplay.
>Aimee Mann's "Whatever" and "I'm With Stupid".

Yeah, I thought of those after we'd let this thread cool. Thanks for the
reminder, and for not getting on me about Sam. <g>

"The truth ain't always what we need, sometimes we need to hear a beautiful
lie." -Bill Lloyd

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