On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Brad Morris wrote:

> >Clapton was embarrassing, and are we sure he and BB even
> >rehearsed? That was a pretty lamo blues performance all around.
> As stated elsewhere, Clapton/King was a mess.

I liked the way each of them made a show about being deferential to each
other while trying to get their licks in.
> Is it me, or is BB King mailing it in when he performs these numbers?
> I know that the man is an original, but he relies on that glissando lick
> (strike a note way up high on the neck and then slide quickly down in
> pitch) to excess these days.  He does it before a solo, in the middle of
> a solo, at the end of the solo, prior to a verse, and as the final note
> of a song.  Having a unique blues vocabulary is admirable, but this guy
> seems reduced to a single word or two.

Part of me wants to say, "If I reach that age, I hope I can remember what
'mail' is." But that doesn't mean that I enjoyed that performance either.

I recently finished King's autobiography, which had been on sale at
Borders for $3.99. I think he could safely have left off at a "kiss and
tell" book. One chapter is actually titled "Someone Asked Me About Oral
Sex." To his credit, he changes the subject after four pages.


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