>Well, then, if we can't agree on the Dead, how about the evil which they
>hath wrought?  Namely, Rusted Root and Phish?


I haven't really heard the Root, but I like about 5 out of every 45 minutes
I hear from Phish. I heard their White Album cover thingy awhile back and I
figured out what it was about those guys that I don't like. The band has
four Paul McCartneys and no John Lennons. While experimental, there's
nothing I find particularly edgy or unconventional about their brand of
experimenting. In fact, I've often felt that their appeal (beyond the
comfortable Deadology) is that it's jazz for people who don't really like
jazz. I just don't think their sense of improvisation isn't nearly as
interesting as I think its given credit for. In fact, whenever one of their
fans tells me how "visionary" they are I tell em to go buy some Mingus or
Coltrane if they want to hear vision. That said, I will find myself bobbing
along to their occasional bluegrassy type of song. Otherwise, I just don't
get them.

Lance . . .

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