I think some of the most exciting bands Ive heard in a while are coming out
of Portland - it feels like North Carolina did a few years ago (and still
does for that matter)...maybe he should skip bands advertising themselves as
alt.country and just see one of the many promising young bands like - 44
Long, Richmond Fontaine, Pete Krebs & the Gossamer Wings, Little Sue,
Fernando, Pinehurst Kids, Elliot *frickin* Smith and more...

>From: Harley Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "passenger side" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, Mar 1, 1999, 3:20 PM

>I had to come out from the shadows and reply to this one.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jerry Curry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Shane S. Rhyne wrote:
>>> Storms or no storms, I was determined to have a good time on tonight's
>>> Having this great new disc from the Countrypolitans sure helped out.
>>> who have been discussing the various merits of the Bakersfield sound and
>>> classic Nashville sound really ought to be giving this disc a listen.
>>A word of caution here:  I've found all of the alt-country releases
>>emanating out of Portland to be less than pleasing.  I know, I live out
>>here and should embrace the local scene.
>Then why don't you? Have you made the hour drive to Portland to see any of
>the bands you speak of? I have seen them all a few times in the past few
>months and I think there is some real talent here. What is this whole
>*caution* thing anyway? What are you exactly trying to warn people about? If
>your posting is so singular and subjective then should it be phrased as a
>warning? I think there is some real merit in these releases. Especially from
>a town dominated by post-grunge-glamour-punk and neo-hippie-folk-crap.
>>The Countripolitans record definitely has its moments.  Although I'd again
>>caution those of you fascinated by their name to be wary.
>Here we are again with this caution thing. What's in a name?
>>It's not overly Countrypolitan, nor Bakersfield, nor anything else.
>What is that supposed to mean? Does everything have to be labeled? Do you
>need to attach an ID to all the parts to feel comfortable? I think The
>Countrypolitans' CD has a mix of sound and style that fits well as a whole.
>Are we so used to things being packaged that it all must taste the same?
>Take the new Kelly Willis for example. Her voice is still candy to my ears
>but I'm getting sleepy already.
>>Again, sort of mid-tempo, plodding,
>>with IMHO, under-developed songs.
>There are a few songs on there that don't plod by any means.
>What do you mean by underdeveloped? I'm curious because I'm working on some
>songs in my own band and am wondering when to stop with them. What makes a
>song fully developed?
>>Plus, it has the most bizarre production
>>I've ever heard.  The lead singer's voice literally jumps off the disc
>>about 5 ft' in front of anything else.
>I guess they got you on that one.
>>Sorry, Golden Delicious, nor Bingo, nor any of that other Portland stuff
>>(Hank Plank & the 2x4's excluded since I haven't heard them) appeals to me
>>in the slightest.
>What does appeal to you, except Steve Earle?
>>Sorry to be honest and offer up a dissenting view.
>>Hope the other Pac NW folks don't blast me out of the water, but I thought
>>I'd should offer my own singular subjective take.  So, no flames por
>>NP:  Pernice Brothers
>flames beget flames
>Portland Music Fan
>Harley Cowan

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