> On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Terry A. Smith wrote:
> > three living human beings who actually treasured DF's first two
> > singer-songwriter records.
Then Jerry:
> Remember this statement whenever you all begin to abuse my music
tastes. > Yet another contender for the um....most eclectic music tastes.
Me, eclectic. Ha. I'm a willful, musical chauvinist, under the theory that
if you've got an inner reservoir of prejudice and narrow-mindedness, then
why not sublimate it on music? The trick is to cover your dirty tracks
with longwinded, plausible rationales for your arbitrary choices, and
then stay one step ahead of Jon, er, I mean, the law.

 > Terry, ya going to T3? >  >

Naw, my youngest brother is putting together a big ol jazz festival in
Indianapolis the previous weekend, and has made it clear that fraternal
obligations will be enforced. Bastard. And I'm too old and entangled in
other obligations to get away with two out-of-town weekends in a row. But
I do get to designate the host of the late-night room party Thursday night
at the Oak Grove. Bribes to be taken off my list of prospective hosts
should be sent to...

-- Terry Smith (DF is Dan Fogelberg, and I really did like his first two
records. Not bad at all. Course, I didn't listen to the lyrics real good.)

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