On Tue, 2 Mar 1999 12:40:43 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Anyone else find that they instantly lunge for the delete 
button when this > here weekly post comes up?

No, because I entered the freakin' contest. Of course, 
I deleted it the second I saw that I lost every day. 

PS -- Moving from a grad student-infested hellhole to a 
nice little brick place .3 mi. from Durty Nelly's (umlaut 
over both vowels), my fave source for sandwiches, Miller 
High Life, and the occasional good local band, I neglect P2 
for three days, only to find nearly *500* messages awaiting 
me. I'm glad to see that annual Dead-flogging took place 
and wore itself out while I was away. Otherwise, I'd have 
to dust off my old "Why the Dead Was Relevant (To The End), 
or "Don't Blame (Confuse) Them For the Stoopid Hippies and 
Lame-ass Noodle Band Flotsam in Their Wake" screed. 

My vote for a Band to be Eradicated: Squeeze.

William Cocke
Senior Writer
HSC Development
University of Virginia
(804) 924-8432

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