Here's the roster of P2ers who will be at SXSW thus far. I'm omitting
information on where people are staying for the moment, but I'll include it
in my final list.

Marie Arsenault
Junior Barnard
Dan Bentele
Sophie Best (all the way from Australia)
Jim Catalano
Jim Cox
John Flippo
Richard Flohil
Randi Fratkin
Wynn Harris
Steve Kirsch
Chris Knaus & Meshel Watkins
Jake London
Barry Mazor
Linda Ray
Bill Silvers
Deb "Numbers" Sommers, we all hope
Jamie Swedberg
Stacey Taylor
Jeff Weiss & Corrie Gregory
Neal Weiss & Colleen whose last name I forget
Don Yates & Deborah Malarek
me and  my husband Eric
and of course, the Austinites:

Jim Caligiuri
Laura Fowler (and Erika Wissolik too, I assume?)
Jerald Corder
Chad Hamilton
Cherilyn DiMond
Slim Kelly

Apologies if I've left anyone out. If I've left you out because you haven't
e-mailed me to let me know you'll be there, however, you have only yourself
to blame. But I'll add you to the next list if you let me know that you're


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