>From this week's Nashville Scene:

     Soft Bomb

     Singer gets pleasant surprise

     On Feb. 9, as Allison Moorer returned home from breakfast with her
husband and
     songwriting partner, Butch Primm, her cellular phone rang. On the
other end of the line was
     Bruce Hinton, chairman of the Nashville division of MCA Records.

     That got Moorer's attention. In the nearly two years since she had
signed with MCA, Hinton
     had never called her. He opened the conversation by telling the singer
 that Tony Brown,
     president of MCA Nashville and the man who signed Moorer to her
contract, was in the office
     with him.

     "My first thought was, `Oh my God! They're going to drop me from the
label!' " Moorer

     After all, MCA had been at the center of recent music-industry
consolidations, and several
     artists connected with MCA/Universal had lost their record contracts
in recent weeks. Because
     Moorer's first album, Alabama Song, hadn't sold particularly well, she
 feared the label might
     be letting her go.

     But Hinton's call was anything but bad news. The label exec informed
Moorer that her song,
     "A Soft Place to Fall," had been nominated for an Academy Award for
Best Original Song.
     The tune, written by Moorer and Nashville rocker Gwil Owen, was
featured in the Robert
     Redford movie The Horse Whisperer. Moorer appeared in the movie as a
nightclub singer,
     performing the song while Redford danced with actress Kristin Scott

     "I had no idea the nominations were coming out that morning," she
says. "It had crossed my
     mind that maybe the song would be in the running to be nominated, but
I never thought in a
     million years that it would actually happen. So when Bruce gave me the
 news, all I could say
     was, `Oh my God, you're kidding?' "

     Last spring, the movie role helped jump-start Moorer's career. But
country radio unjustly
     ignored "A Soft Place to Fall," a languid, melancholy ballad rich with
 emotion. Apparently,
     "power country" programmers found it too low-key for their tastes, and
 they assumed listeners
     would naturally tune out in search of something peppier.

     Indeed, there may be no better example of country radio's
head-in-the-sand approach to
     programming. Even Jay Leno, an avowed country music fan, expressed his
 frustration about
     this very subject prior to Moorer's performance on the Tonight Show
Feb. 15. As the host put
     it, she's appearing in films, Robert Redford loves her, movie fans
love her, music critics love
     her, and now she's been nominated for an Academy Award. Yet she's
still not getting any
     airplay. "What's wrong with those people?" Leno asked.

     At least Moorer can feel vindicated in knowing that her nomination
will result in a flood of
     exposure. To top it all off, on Oscar night, she'll perform "A Soft
Place to Fall" during the
     worldwide telecast. That means she'll be seen by millions of
people--and, in music-industry
     terms, that's millions of consumers.

     People picking up on Moorer in the next couple of months will likely
be asking two questions:
     One, why haven't we heard this outstanding and unusual singer before?
Then, once they start
     thinking about the country music they do hear on the radio, they'll
echo Leno and ask, "What's
     wrong with those people?"

     There is one way to change that: Call a country radio station and ask
the program director to
     play Allison Moorer. Should he refuse, ask him, "What's wrong with you
 people?" Then tell
     him you'll be listening to another station from now on.

     --Michael McCall

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