>I've come to a firm belief that Boomer Bashing is surviving now as the
>nostalgia of  today's 30 somethings.  Who are getting a little long in the
>tooth for it themselves!

>Barry M.

Yeah, it's not a good sign when your girlfriend enjoys playing with your
ever-increasing amount of white hairs ("Hey honey! I found another one.

But, anyhoo, points well taken, Barry. I feel, of course, that I should
respond for no other reason than my cheeky "fuckin hippie" comments (sorry,
Tera). And actually, I do like to think that I listen to this stuff with
fresh ears, so that if I, perchance, don't get on the Plane, it's NOT
because of their symbolic value as hippie icons. After all, my arms are sore
from taking punches for the Dead, so there is that.

And since we're on the subject--I've been wondering for awhile about the
Velvet's "Who Loves the Sun." I can't decide if this song is Lou Reed's
concession to the "peace and love" demographic, a send-up/parody of that
same demographic, or both. (I tell you what, though, whenever I happen to
have that song on around people who haven't heard it, their reaction tends
to be, "What the hell is THIS?" And not in a good way). If I say it's a
parody, am I really revealing what I want it to be. After all, the Velvet's
can't WANT TO sell records, right? Yeah, I realize that after John Cale
left, the band got suspiciously "poppy," but nevertheless, they didn't sell
records because they were SO OUT THERE. Right? Right? No? D'oh!!!!

So, I guess that dovetails back to your point about 1999 vs. 1969 ears,
doesn't it? Well, any ideas on this one are encouraged.

Lance . . .

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