Sez Carl:
>> One problem I see with your logic, Jon, is that much of the rock side of
>>'s influences (especially the punk artists), for whatever
>> reason, don't include many instrumentals.  Bands influenced by the
>> Clash, the Sex Pistols, and the Velvet Ungerground tend to sing (or
>> shout), because vocals are essential to their music.

Sez Jon:
>That's my point.  Even hedged with all kinds of qualifications, I think
>fair to say that in general, where vocals are essential, there's an
>orientation toward communicating emotions, ideas, etc., and technique and,
>well, skill - at least instrumental - are more than occasionally seen as,
>best, irrelevant to that.

See, now, and I thought the whole *point* of punk was to *not* be able to
play well.  I am not being facetious here.  I thought the general punk
stance was "F**k this elitist, bourgeois, closed music system.  We're gonna
play even though we don't know how, and maybe that'll turn the world of
music on its ear, and even if it doesn't we'll have a good time with our
mates making a whole lot of noise.  Being all tied up in technique and
knowing how to play is for wankers.  Tear up everything."  Why have
instrumentals if it's important not to be one of those wankers who know how
to play?

Kelly, ready to have her simplistic understanding of punk adjusted
NPIMH "All I Am Is Loving You" by The Teardrop Explodes

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