Kelly Kessler wrote:

> Terry wonders:
> >nr(reading): Robert Harris' "Archangel" about the modern-day discovery of
> >Stalin's secret heir, living like a hermit in the woods near the White
> >Sea. Great novel. So, was J. Stalin worse than Hitler?
> >
> Stalin said something like, "One murder is a tragedy.  One million murders
> is a statistic."  By dint of numbers and time spent in complete control, I'd
> say Stalin was worse. But once dictators pass a certain threshold of being
> an abomination, is it possible to quantify these things?

Good question. And I'd agree with you that Stalin was indeed worse than Hitler,
though certainly they're both waaay past that "threshold" you mention. Had this
discussion off-list with another P2er awhile back. Hmm. <g> I'd assert that both
were the most evil monsters in human history and leave ranking them out of it.

two very-non twang posts today- sorry,

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