I know it took me quite a while to get the hang of hangin' on.  I'm the guy who
after 6 weeks or so added up a couple of weeks and did a breakdown of who was
sending how much and about what.  Hard to believe I did that but it helped me
through my first couple of months of hardcore P2 use/lurking.  The
Twangfest/fluff list helps but to the uninitiated I simply say... stoke yur
technology and ride the Great Twang-huna!

Jeff Weiss wrote:

> At 09:02 AM 3/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> Call me a sadist -- shudup Curry -- but I get a little thrill out of these.
> Just imagine the panic that must set in when someone subs because they
> heard about this list and in a day they get slammed with 200 messages, some
> of which might actually be on topic. this list, my friends, is not for the
> faint of heart.
> Now, back to your arguing.
> jeff

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