(American singer-songwriter)


Hello - My name is Martin Lewis.  And I've been proud to have been a
friend of David Ackles since 1971.  It is with great regret that I write

to tell you that David has just passed on - succumbing to cancer after a

long, brave struggle.

I'm not very skilled at surfing the Internet - but I recently searched
the web and news groups and noted the e-mail addresses of those who have

in the past expressed an appreciation for him or an interest in him.

I don't know how to post on news groups - so I thought I would write to
all those who have written in cyberspace about David in the past - and
ask that you might assist in posting this sad news on the appropriate
news groups.  In addition to this providing an opportunity for you and
others to pay their respects to the memory of someone special - perhaps
it might also stimulate those unfamiliar with his name to check out his

(I think the three Elektra albums are still available on CD in the UK.
Elektra in the USA has shown no interest in releasing them. The fourth
album - made for Columbia - has never been issued on CD anywhere.)

I can tell you that a couple of months ago I collected together all the
appreciations I could find on the web and in news groups about David and

gave him a print-out on the last occasion I saw him - Christmas Day
1998.  He was very touched by the appreciation of his work - and the
concerns expressed about his health by those who were aware of his

I know that his surviving family - including his wife Janice, son
George, sisters Sally and Kim and his mother Queenie, would be very
moved to read any thoughts that admirers of David's work might have.

Since I am not very good at reading news groups - may I ask that you
please e-mail a copy to me of anything you post or read from others
(perhaps also giving me the link) so that I can forward all tributes to
the family.     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A memorial service for family and friends will be held in California on
Saturday March 20th - so I would love to have some tributes from
admirers to share with the family on that day.

So far I have discovered one website dedicated to David Ackles. It is
run by a fan called Brian Mathieson     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I do hope that as time goes by that other fans will feel moved to
emulate this site and create their own cyber-tributes so that there are
several lasting memorials to this great - and vastly under-rated
artist.  As someone who was lucky enough to have been one of his many
friends - I can say that he was truly a gift to the world as a person as

much as an artist.

On behalf of his family and his other friends - I thank you very much.

Martin Lewis   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


One of America's most gifted - and most under-appreciated
singer-songwriters - the great David Ackles - passed away in L.A. last
Tuesday - March 2nd after a long, brave battle with cancer.  He was a
very young 62.  He is survived by his his wife Janice, son George,
sisters Sally and Kim and his mother Queenie.

A memorial service at which his family and friends will celebrate his
life and work will be held in California on: Saturday March 20th 1999.
Messages from admirers of his work would be most valued by his family.
Please send messages to the Ackles family c/o Martin Lewis

Those who wish to make a donation in his memory may do so to any of the
following three organizations:

University of Southern California School of Theater • University Park
•  L.A.   •   CA 90089
Attention: Dean Robert Scales  (tel: 213 740 1285)

The Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop •  335 North Brand Boulevard
•  Glendale •  CA 91203    Attention:   John Sparks  (tel: 818 502 3309)

All Saints Episcopal Church • 132 North Euclid Avenue •  Pasadena •
CA    91101
Attention: Ackles Memorial Fund  (tel: 626 796 1172)


"David Ackles" (Elektra - 1968)
"Subway To The Country" (Elektra - 1970)
"American Gothic" (Elektra - 1972)
"Five & Dime" (Columbia - 1974)


This e-mail has been sent to every e-mail address found on websites and
news groups that had a positive mention of David Ackles.  The postings
dated from 1996 to the present date.  Inevitably many of the addresses
will be out of date.

The original plan was to e-mail this to all addresses simultaneously.
However my computer is rebelling - so this may go to just a few
addresses at a time.

Please also forward it to any of your family, friends, colleagues ,
fellow students etc. etc. who you believe might care about David Ackles.

Thank you.
And direct from David's wife........

I wanted to tell you how moved I was reading your entry about my
husband, David Ackles.  It is with great sorrow that I tell you David
died on March 2, 1999.  He had been quite ill this past year with
metastasized cancer.  Ironically, there are two independent labels in
England who are pressing us to supply material, here to fore not heard,
for the release of this unheard music.  I believe our son, George and I
will carry on with this project.  Thank you again for your kind words.

Janice Vogel Ackles

--- End Forwarded Message ---

shaun belcher

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