Iain Noble wrote lotsa sensible stuff and:

>  perhaps you ought to see 'Red
> Dragon' an earlier film about the first Hannibal Lecter novel with
> Brian Cox as the good doctor which is rather better.

sorry, being nitpicky, but that movie was called "Manhunter", tho I believe
it was based on the novel red dragon.  And yes, I would agree it is in many
ways superior to ...Lambs.

As someone finally reaching the end of a coupla years' writing a book about
someone whose plays depict murderous Jews, the brutal torture of a
homosexual king, Catholic terrorists slaughtering innocent Protestants, and
a shepherd-turned-world conquerer who put Attila the Hun in the shade, I'd
have to agree that it is possible to create great art out of unpalatable
source material.


(wasting time P2ing when I should be concentrating on the race between me
delivering my manuscript and my wife delivering our second child any day

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