
My ISP and I believe that something from the P2 list has caused my e-mail
box at the server to crash two days in a row.

Has anybody else been having trouble like this? I suspect it may be
something with attachments to it. The trouble first started back on 3/8/99
and has happened at least once since then since the first repair was made.

The synopsis of all this information is this: I am going to temporarily have
to set the list to "nomail" for a while as we try to repair the mailbox. I,
apparently, can still send mail out, but incoming mail is "trapped" and
inaccessible to me at this address.

Since this e-mail address is actually my work account, I really can't afford
for the box to eat my mail on a regular basis. I'll continue to throw stuff
over the wall from time to time (such as playlists, local clips of interest,
etc.) but, for the time being, will be unable to participate in P2 reindeer

Hopefully, soon I'll be reinstalling internet access at home and will
happily re-join the list at that time. In the meantime, y'all play nice and
have fun at SXSW.

Please note-- as of this morning my incoming mail function is still not
working, so off-list e-mail to me should probably wait a day or two for
things to get back to normal. According to the server, I've got about 300
pieces of mail that I can't get to this morning. I'm assuming much of that
is P2 traffic, but if any of it was personal e-mail to me, try again this

Take care,

Shane Rhyne
Knoxville, TN

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