Just when I thought Purcell and I were from different musical planets, he
writes a post that I agree with word for word (except I am not much
worried about Steve Earle burning out, but that is a minor point).

ALong these lines I have these impressions of my latest 1999 purchases:

Kelly Willis:  A little flat and slick at first impression but
certain songs have really grown on me.  What I cannot figure out is why
her cuts on compilations (i.e. Real: Tom T. Hall Project and Rig Rock
Deluxe) practically bring me to spasms of joy and are often my favorite
cuts on the comps.  But Her solo albums always leave me a little let-down??

Gourds: I am really digging Ghosts of Hallelujah.  I love the loose live
sound that they have reverted back to (sounds more like Dem's Good Beeble
to me than the Waltermelon disc -- although I am a fan of both).  The
lyrics never reach me on a conscious level (I mean the first song comes
out of the gate with the protagonist kicking a dog that is taking a
shit!!) but I don't seem to care.  I just love their sound and approach
and voices.  I can even overlook the blatant vocal tributes to Levon Helm,
Garth Hudson, and Vic Chestnut.  Gets funner every listen.

Wilco:  I want to LOVE this record.  I cheer in public for Tweedy's
musical idealism and ambitiousness.  HOWEVER only parts of this record
work for me.  The sounds are interesting but to my ears they don't ALWAYS
serve the songs well.  To get more wicked I don't think that ALL of the
songs are that strong (with the exception of a few - She's a Jar, and a
few others are Great!! -- although the last line of She's a Jar is totally
distracting and unnecessary IMO).  Which leads me to the lyrics which
alternate from sweet to morose(sp?) a little too much for my taste.  It's
like he is doing a musical version of that Jay McInerney book about the
high class serial murderer.  Except I don't really care about his
characters and he repeats the I want to kill you theme a few times to
where I am subconsciously wanting to kill him.  But I am spinning and
spinning this thing -- maybe just to figure out why he so consciously is
borrowing from Brian Wilson and Sgt. Pepper's.  I am perplexed by this guy
and this record.  Keeps life interesting.

Steve and Dell -- the Mountain has some great songs and the playing is
superb -- as if you would expect anything else.  I don't see it as a
bluegrass record at all.  I like it . . . but I agree with Dave and Terry
(shoot me!! <g>) that I prefer the ultra eclectic Steve Earle records.
But that said this is fairly eclectic when you consider that he is using
Del and the band for Irish tunes, pop-folk ballads, and modern
storytelling.  The weaknesses are that I too think I am conscious of the
writing on a few songs as if (endearingly I might add) Steve is trying to
write what he thinks a String Band album should have as topics for songs!!
It almost makes me cry how naive and beautiful that is . . . whether it is
true or not I picture this prison hardened legendary songwriter thinking
about mountains because he is playing with a bluegrass band!  Good Record

Joe Henry -- well sorry but my fellow former Ann Arborite is not doing it
for me with his new record 'Fuse'.  I just find it boring I guess.  The
lo-fi hi-fi drum/bass loops with ethereal padding seems to abscure some
great lyciral work for me.  EVen having a cut on Felicity can't save it
for me.  Sorry Joe.

The Damnations -- now I have the tape pre-realease and I understand that
they touched some things up -- but for my money this recording is the
over-hyped CD of the year.  I have played on the same bill as the
Damnations and really think they have great talent and live energy . . .
talent to spare and deserve their live rep!! But the record is flat and
repetitive and not remotely country.  The only song I can remember is the
Black Widow and it is too long and reminds me of Trip Shakespeare's weaker
moments.  The voices are great but don't resemble any of the great sibling
duets that they have been compared to. I don't get any of the songs.  
Emperor's New Clothes . . .

QUICKIES: and for what it's worth the new Terry Allen has made a nice
(quirky intelligent timeless) impression on me.  I don't know what my
problem is but I am kind of digging the new Paul Westerberg.  Mostly the
sounds.  and I am totally into the Ray Wiley Hubbard pre-release of the
Philo record he is puttng out later this year.

that's all I can think of . . . 


(ducking -- but with a clean conscience -- and without a dictionary!!)

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