Don't I qualify as an Austinite?  I realize I've only lived here for twelve
years....   Or maybe I don't qualify as a P2er...  Well, either way, I'll
be around and looking forward to seeing everyone everywhere I go.

James Hand:

Wednesday, 10 PM        Broken Spoke
Thursday, 6PM           Under the Sun
Saturday, 3pm           Cheapo Discs

Asylum Street Spankers

Saturday, 1AM  Pecan Street Ale house

>At the request of Barry Mazor, who's leaving shortly for his
>all-expenses-paid, staying-at-the-swanky-Omni trip to Austin, I'm posting
>the updated list of P2ers at the Best Li'l CSRF in Texas. Lots of folks
>piped up to let me know they'd be there after my last call. If you're going
>and you still haven't let me know, you have until Monday to do so; after
>that, I'll be gone.
>Marie Arsenault
>Austin Motel
>Junior Barnard
>I'm sure Junior mentioned where he's staying, but I fergit
>Doug Baxter and his wife, Christine
>Doug wisely omitted mention of where he's staying
>Dan Bentele
>Austin Motel, I think
>Rusty Berther (upping the Australian P2 quotient to 2)
>accomodations ???
>Sophie Best
>staying at Smilin' Jim's
>Jim Catalano
>staying at an accomodation to be named later
>Jim Cox
>staying in some generic apartment he rented
>John Flippo
>Austin Motel
>Richard Flohil
>staying at Erica Wissolik's
>Randi Fratkin
>staying at Erica Wissolik's
>Wynn Harris
>staying at his dad's
>Steve Kirsch
>staying at Smilin' Jim's
>Chris Knaus & Meshel Watkins
>Austin Motel
>Jake London
>Austin Motel
>Barry Mazor
>Omni Hotel
>Alex "I Can't Believe I Left Him Off the Last List Since the Party Is In
>His Room Every Night" Millar
>Austin Motel
>Linda Ray
>accomodations to be determined
>Jim Roll and Laura Eckenrod
>staying at a friend's house
>Bill Silvers
>Austin Motel
>Deb "Numbers" Sommers
>staying somewhere, I'm sure
>Tiffany Suiters
>Southard House
>Jamie Swedberg
>Austin Motel
>Stacey Taylor, I think
>Austin Motel
>(er, is Stacey still planning to attend? Someone let me know, please.)
>Jeff Weiss & Corrie Gregory
>Neal Weiss & Colleen Morrissey
>Austin Motel
>Don Yates & Deborah Malarek
>staying at Laura Fowler's
>me and  my husband Eric
>Austin Motel
>and of course, the Austinites:
>Jim Caligiuri
>Jayne Cravens
>Jim Fagan
>Laura Fowler (and too, I assume?)
>Jerald Corder
>Chad Hamilton
>Cherilyn DiMond
>Slim Kelly
>Erika Wissolik
>--Amy, wishing I had the energy to make an intelligent response to Todd's
>and Will's UT posts but too dumbfounded by Neal's casual dismissal of Son
>Volt to speak. Oh, and Jay is SO cuter than Jeff--get real, Neal.

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