On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Doug Niman wrote:

> For those Gerald collier fans out there, the Official Web Site is up and
> running!
> Please visit us at http://www.geraldcollier.com 
> The new CD is available exclusively from this site

And a damn good one it is.  Gerald was kind enough to drop one by
yesterday, and I'm happy as a pig in shit to have recorded versions of
some of those new barroom ballads he's been singin' lately.  When all the
major-label alleged alt-country types are doin' their bosses' bidding and
excising whatever twang used to be in their respective sounds, it's
refreshing to see someone stick to their guns and dig deeper into country
music.  Low Tar Taste is just a five-song EP, but it'll give you a good
idea of what Gerald's up to nowadays.  On the back of the CD you'll find
this disclaimer: "This record has been deemed unsuitable for corporate
release."  Considering today's short-sighted, scared-shitless music
industry, I can't think of a better recommendation.--don

n.p. Jimmy Murphy - "I Get A Longing To Hear Hank Sing The Blues"

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