[EMAIL PROTECTED] according to my liner notes.



> Anybody know how to contact this band these days?  A friend of a friend wants
> to interview them on a radio show and asked me how to reach them, but all I
> have is an empty number at A&M
> Thanks as always for your indulgence.
> BTW, the V-Roys rocked to beat all last night.  What a fraggin' show!  Eat-
> your-heart out moment:  Kelly Hogan/Scot Miller duet on "Lie I believe"--a two
> kleenex song under the rockin'est of conditions, which that show pretty much
> was.  Also noted, V-Roys currently leading the "Classiest-looking dewy-eyed
> groupies" category.
> Later,
> Linda, trying to figure out how to be less secure in what she thinks she
> knows, cuz it's wrong too often

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