Thanks for the review!  I'm counting the days until the Seattle V/S

> They ended their set with the title track from their latest album and it was
> very very amazing.  When the drummer kicked in after the long trancelike
> intro I thought the local dead would rise.  All in all, they made me really
> really happy.
(Varnaline's "Sweet Life")
That's SUCH a great song.  3 minutes of instruments on the cd, 
before the vocals rise from the fog.  It takes on epiphanic importance
with headphones after midnight.  Wonderful, wonderful strings.

> Sparklehorse
> Anyways, immediately I felt like the lead singer reminded
> me of someone.  Near the end of the show I finally figured it out.
> Blasphemous as it may seem (to some people, not me) he reminded me of Roger
> Waters of Pink Floyd.
Not just for the vocals - the new album has a "The Wall"-ish 
claustrophobia at points.  Mark Linkous (Mr. Sparklehorse) had
an accident a couple years back, where he collapsed from a 
medicinal overdose, passing out in such a way to cut off circulation 
to his legs.  Many operations later, including the first where he died
on the operating table, he's walking again.  So many of the songs
on the album, his second, _Good Morning Spider_, deal with that.
It's a very affecting album - "Saint Mary" and "Painbirds" particularly.

His first, _Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot_, got its name from
a dream he had, swimming towards a submarine while hearing a 
dixie band playing inside.  Brilliant stuff, both albums, though I'm 
partial to the newest.  It's almost assured a Top 10 of '99 spot on
my list.

np:  There and Back Again Lane - Sarah Records 100

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