Mitch, just to keep things straight: if that was tonight (Saturday), 
     it was almost certainly RadioSonic, which (tho it can be ok) is a much 
     inferior program to the mighty Waves, whose reservoir of mandatory 
     cool is far too deep (nay, even obsessive) for parade-style hooplah, 
     unless delivered sarcastically.
     Follow this geographic rule of thumb: east-coast/Montreal (Waves), 
     storm-jaded hipster intellectuals; west-coast/Vancouver (RadioSonic), 
     mild-climate/scenic-vista induced fuzzy thinking, verging on 
     slack-jawed hippie.
     Carl W.

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So I'm driving home from the Songs:Ohia show and tunne in to the Canadian 
station, and guess where they are broadcasting from? Yep, SXSW.  Well, they 
just went one step lower in my book. They were talking like they were hosting 
the Oscars or the Thanksgiving Day parade.

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