You know, every time I write something like this and try to display just a
bit of my vast, but wholly inaccurate music knowledge, Weisberger comes
along with that big ole brain of his and proceeds to blow me completely out
of the water. I hate him. 

>From this day forward, I renounce any and all Urban Hipster Intellengentsia
- White Guy With Glasses [UHI-WGWG] status. I'm tired of trying to impress
you folks with my mighty brain power only to have some big bass playing
geek prove once again that I am a dumbass. From now on, just look at me as
another pretty face in the crowd. I'll just have to get by on my looks
alone. It ain't easy being pretty.

This is it. The last of my psuedo intellectual posts. I'm back to being a
big goodlooking sexy smartass hillbilly.

np(imh) multiple requests for Freebird at Twangfest.

insert (g) thingee as appropriate.

Jeff Wall    The Webs least sucky music magazine
3421 Daisy Crescent - Va Beach, Va - 23456 

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