Carl's no doubt right that for every one I've heard dismiss the Early Waits
in this nabe (such is the East Village), there probably is somebody else
out there who never got past the evolution/revolution (you call it) in the
music over time.  I've got a strong suspicion  (and find it interesting
BTW) that on P2 MOST of us would probably  go for both ends of
Waits'material, for the simple reason that the twang interest leads us to
an interest in traditional songmaking--but the at least  usually
experimental openness around here leaves ears open to what's come up since.

As to: " the dramatic move away from the piano as anything but an
occasional (and even incidental) part of his sound"...

that's part of what I was referring to, Carl, in how seeing his latest
incarnation live show would tend to show the continuities in his efforts
over the discontinuities...In fact, Waits performed a number of
post-swordfish (guess that's the password!) songs solo at the piano now,
complete with patter, in breaks from the very cool band stuff--and even
"The Heart of Saturday Night" cause it was, after all, Saturday Night.  I
know it all added up to something excellent.

Anyway..I hope lots of people get a chance to see and hear this this
time--especially since so many--and not just those in their early 20s--seem
never to have caught them like us lucky ones did.

Barry M.

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