On Thu, 25 Mar 1999, Tucker Eskew fowarded:

> Instead, Widespread opted for a different promotion.  Eager to get its
> name out to schools, the band approached the American Library
> Association about doing a free poster promoting reading similar to those
> done by R.E.M., Cindy Crawford, Mel Gibson and others in recent years.
> The association said no thanks. The band wasn't well enough known. 
> So the band offered to pay for the entire campaign, shelling out about
> $12,000 to mail out posters to 2,300 libraries around the country. "The
> people at the Library Association still think we're a little crazy,"
> says the band's agent, Buck Williams.

Gosh, this sure made me laugh..........  We librarians are everywhere I
tell you.  Without us the entire social fabric disintegrates.  Remember
what Yates has always said....."beware the librarians".

We have *our* sites squarely upon the industrial weasals at this point.
But Widespread Panic.........?  Hmm, perhaps a Damnations, TX poster.
However, how narrowsighted of my professional association......"sorry, you
aren't well-known enough."  Sheesh....how about a little outreach to those
groups that are outside of our cohort group worldview.

Regarding Wilco's Summerteeth..........sonically, I think it's the most
interesting thing they've (remember it's a group effort, not just Tweedy)
ever put out.  I still find much of the violent references in the lyrics
disturbing.  Viva le' pop!

Gotta go....busy, but before I go.  Fucking (sorry, but I'm excited)
congratulations to the Twang committee.  The V-Roys?  Damnations TX (which
I knew about since their appearance here in Oregon; explains why they
signed my CD...."meet me in St. Louie")??  Dale Watson???  You guys outdid
yourself.....man-oh-man. Now, I've just got to make sure I get in Thursday
to catch those V-Roy boys.  Thanks you guys, you are the best.

The auction's a great damn idea........I've got a signed Dave Alvin poster
that I'll be happy to contribute.  The shirt remains in my posession.
Sorry....ya'll.  In the words of our dear Chris Knaus...."Chicks dig
it!" <g>

Sorry for the multithreaded diatribe.....

NP: The Damnations TX - Half Mad Moon
My favorite CD of 1999 up to this point. 

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